Der Verband vertritt die Interessen der naturwissenschaftlichen Museen der Schweiz und Liechtensteins. Ziel ist das Sichtbarmachen und Vermitteln der Bedeutung der naturwissenschaftlichen Sammlungen und Museen als Teil des nationalen und internationalen Kulturerbes.more

Image: Visions-AD, stock.adobe.commore

Cinema, fact and fiction

Horizons No. 134

If you want to reach a really large part of the population with your research, you should work with the film industry. Find out how this works and what comes out of it in the feature on the tense relationship between science and film.

Horizons No. 134 (in German)
  • Scientists on set
  • Playing with the space-time continuum
  • A little tour of archetypes in pop culture
  • “The great power of cinema lies in producing iconic images”
  • On a film set
  • When truth isn’t everything


  • Communication sciences
  • Science communication
English, German, French