Exhibition catalogue
The member institutions of the association have been maintaining an exhibition exchange system for almost 40 years. Natural history museums, zoological and botanical gardens, information centres and other institutions have the opportunity to offer their exhibitions on loan. The exhibition catalogue is updated twice a year.
Anyone interested in borrowing a production from the exhibition catalogue should contact the owner institution. Institutions wishing to offer their own exhibition on loan as part of the exhibition exchange can fill out the registration form on the right and send it to the contact address indicated at the footer of the page.
Productions of member institutions that deal with scientific topics in the broadest sense are accepted with priority. In case of doubt, the association's board of directors decides on admission to the exhibition exchange.
The exhibition exchange also offers the opportunity to announce exhibition projects planned for the next 2 to 3 years. Institutions wishing to make an exhibition public should fill out the registration form on the right and send it to the contact address at at the footer of the page.
A good practice guide provides advice on producing exhibitions for the exhibition exchange. It is based on the results of a survey on the exchange of temporary exhibitions among the association's members in October 2020.