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Brilliant Failures of Research Partnerships: Events, Emotions and Unanticipated Potential for change


14:00 - 16:00


registered participants receive a link to participate

Workshop Series: 2022 Annual Conference

Brilliant Failures

By Eliud Birachi, Elizabeth Jimenez, Nishara Fernando, Pia Hollenbach, Sonja Schenkel

We do not like to admit failures. But why not? Why not understanding failures as something productive, something that helps us and our partners to flourish and grow?

The workshop will present the outcome of a SNSF r4d funded synthesis project that brings together stories, conversations, and thoughts on ‘brilliant failures’ as part of r4d partnership processes, and beyond. Looking at ‘brilliant failures’ of research partnerships - Events and Emotions- will help to understand multiple social- cultural and institutional components of partnerships and their potential for change and transformation. Failures are undesirable, but we want to reveal that a new culture towards failure will provide the ground for true learning opportunities as an option to serve as an impetus for improvement and change. To accept failures as an inevitable and valuable aspect of life in general and innovation, will improve the way we work, negotiate and succeed in partnerships.

The workshop will provide space for exchange and insightful conversations on experiences with ‘brilliant failures’ in research partnerships.

We will trigger conversations through showing animated learning videos that are the outcome of the above-mentioned research project and will have in-depth and insightful conversations and exchanges to learn about and through experiences of the workshop participants. It will be a co-creative and active workshops design integrating participants in the process through partner/group work and open panel discussions.

There will be no opportunity to have a presentation(s) in the classical form.

Registration: Please register for the workshop before June 10.

Brilliant Failure in International Partnerships - Trailer
